Thursday 3 December 2009

Gain 30 Pounds Of Muscle Like Taylor Lautner


By Vince

Okay, okay, I’ll admit, I went to see the blockbuster hit, New Moon, tonight with Flavia. I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first one in the saga, Twilight, but it did inspire me to write about Taylor Lautner. If you have a little sister, daughter, niece or girlfriend then you’ve probably heard of Taylor. He plays Jacob Black, the bad ass were wolf who got into outstanding condition for his role.

(Hey guys, in my defense, I ‘ve been a huge vampire and werewolf fan since I was younger so I’m a sucker for monster movies – although this saga could use a lot more testosterone for my liking. And to maintain my manliness during the movie, at one cheesy point in the movie I pretended I was snoring for a good 3 seconds – just in case anyone recognized me).

Back to Taylor Lautner. What I was most impressed about during the movie was the amount of giggling from the girls during the shirtless scenes in the movie. And I could even hear some dudes whispering about how fit he looked.

Then it hit me.

We need more Taylor Lautners.

Sure, we have Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig getting jacked for their blockbuster movies but who has filled the void for the younger generation?

Even though Arnold in Terminator and Stallone in Rambo inspired me beyond belief, I could not connect with their level of muscularity at a deep level. It was too unrealistic for me and I’m sure many people reading this would agree.

I’m confident that Taylor is going to make a major impact on young people, especially male teens. I’m guessing a lot of males are going to hit the gym shortly after seeing this movie so they can muscle up like Taylor did.

From my reading Taylor packed on 30 pounds of muscle for New Moon and he’s no Vince Del Monte but I got to say he looks really, really impressive. And in a recent interview before the filming of New Moon I picked up a few lines that stood out:

“…a few weeks ago I gained 20 pounds and guaranteed 10 more pounds and I already put on 6 pounds…”

Take home message:

It is possible to gain over 20 pounds of muscle in a short period of time.
He guaranteed 10 more pounds which shows supreme confidence and belief in himself.

“…I’m not sure how many inches around….”

Take home message:

When asked, “How big are your biceps?” You don’t need to be concerned with numbers – just how you look in the mirror.

“…I hope it’s paying off because it took A LOT of hard work.”

Take home message:

It took a lot of HARD WORK. Taylor didn’t mention anything about powders, potions or pills!

“…I’m going to put on 4 more pounds and I’m going to go ABOVE AND BEYOND…”

Take home message:

More supreme confidence in his belief and a relentless determination to keep growing. His last few words reflects the attitude you should have too.

If He Can Do It, So Can You!

From some reading I learned that Taylor started out 5′10″, 140-pounds, scrawny and weak teenager. Now his body represents a powerful werewolf and dominates the screen as a rippled fitness animal.

If Taylor can gain 30 pounds of muscle in a year then I see no reason you can’t either. And if you’re a complete beginner than you’re just like Taylor. His trainer, Jordan Yuam was quoted as saying, “The less muscle you have, the easier it is to gain muscle mass more quickly.”
I experienced the same. Inexperience works to your advantage because your body has zero stimulus and most receptive to the new stress it’s forced to adapt too.

5 Muscle Principles Taylor Lautner Followed

1. Heavy weights.

This is taught in my No Nonsense Series and you’ll hear me say over and over that you need to get a healthy taste of heavier weights to pack on mass.

2. Mixing up your volume.

It sounds like Taylor’s trainer ripped a few pages out of my muscle book because you’ll find that one of the key ingredients is mixing up the volume to muscle up. Lifting heavier is not the only way.

3. Long periods of tension.

Anybody who’s gone through my advanced muscle program knows what this is all about. To recruit all the muscle fibers and speed up muscle growth it’s critical that you put your muscles under enough tension. Sets that last 40 seconds to 80 seconds is the ideal period of tension for hypertrophy.

4. Cut down on cardio.

Between weight training and diet it’s amazing how much fat you can lose and muscle you can pack on. I don’t recommend more than 20 minutes of cardio, three times a week, if you’re looking to pack on at least 30 pounds of muscle. When I gained 41 lbs of muscle in 6 months, I did zero cardio and didn’t gain any fat but then again I had to previous exposure to weights.

5. Don’t forget to recover.

In total, you won’t need to train more than 5 days a week. At least 3-4 weight training workouts without doing more than 2-3 weight training workouts in a roll will keep you body growing with out plateauing.

Vince Del Monte Click here to find out more...

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